Darwen Mark Lodge No. 1327

On Monday 15th. October, I had an occasion to visit The Mark Province of East Lancashire to support a friend of mine being Installed as Worshipful Master of Darwen Mark Lodge No. 1327. I have known Brother William Johnson for some years now, although through another Order. When he asked me to if I would like to attend I had no hesitation in saying yes, in fact I welcomed the opportunity of returning to my homeland as it were. Aware of the demonstration against 'fracking' on the road to Preston I decided to leave home a bit earlier than normal for the short journey to Darwen near Blackburn. When I arrived at the Masonic Hall, a converted church on the Blackburn Bolton Road, there were not many Brethren in the bar / lounge but there were a number in the lodge room setting up the room and having a last-minute practice. Whilst enjoying a refreshing cold, soft drink a number of familiar faces made an entrance, some members of Darwen Lodge and a few visitors.

W.Bro. Ernie Gavan congratulation the New Worshipful Master

At 6.30 pm the Worshipful Master Robert Norris Past Provincial Grand Senior Overseer (West Lancashire) opened the lodge. The domestic business of the Lodge was completed and on a report the principle guest Worshipful Brother Gerald Noel Howard Young Assistant Provincial Grand Master (East Lancashire) accompanied by a deputation of Provincial Grand Officers were admitted into the Lodge Room. After the usual salutations the Worshipful Master announced the next item to Install the Master Elect Brother William Johnson. The Installation ceremony was conducted in an exemplary manner by the Worshipful Master ably assisted by the Lodge members. The labours of the evening being ended we adjourned to the bar / lounge for an aperitif before dinner.

W.Bro. Gavan with W.Bro. Johnson
Dinner was a two-course meal of excellent quality served by the members of the Lodge and before long we were into the toasts. The Worshipful Brother Assistant Provincial Grand Master responded to toast three, four and five. The Worshipful Master responded to the toast to his health and then conducted what they call a 'Darwen Swindle’. The Brother Junior Warden proposed a toast to the visitors and me being a guest of the Worshipful Master was asked to give a response.      
Some familiar faces from West Lancashire
After the usual congratulations and in response to something the Assistant Provincial Grand Master mentioned about Prostate Cancer checks at The East Lancashire Provincial Mark Meeting. I Congratulated them on grasping the initiative and having P.S.A. testing at their meeting and reminding the Brethren the importance of the tests, it might just save their lives as I know too well. The refreshments over we headed to the car park to make our journeys homeward.    
Words and pictures by Ernie Gavan